Architecture Concept Review

In this unit, you will be learning about the systems and software architectures we will be using to operate the Drones during the next four weeks.

We have found the following videos to be helpful in illustrating the drone’s software structure, as well as its hardware features.


Intelligent Drone System Overview

System Overview

Usage Models

Usage Models

Architecture Introduction

Architecture Introduction

Hardware Architecture

Hardware Architecture

3D and Visual Sensors

3D and Visual Sensors

ROS2 vs ROS1 Overview


ROS2 in PX4 - Simulated Offboard Control

ROS2 in PX4

Problem Set

Please answer these questions based on the videos and your own online research. You should git pull upstream main in your team repository in order the access the file

The team’s research specialist is to document the answers to the problem set in a markdown file, add, commit, and push to your team’s repository.

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